Halfway There - West Virginia / by sam taylor

Halfway There - West Virginia

Holy crap it’s early. Still dark. Cold. And I am very comfortable under the blankets (Carmen adding some warmth isn’t hurting either).

We had set the alarms last night, knowing it would be early, but we have talked about wanting to experience sunrise here pretty much since the first time we saw this place. It had been clear last night, but leaning my head out I see fog, and think some more about how it is really warm under those blankets. But, the excitement wins out, and we roll out into the darkness.

Carmen has a camp stove and kit to make coffee, we both have headlamps, and noting the “bears frequent this area” sign we head into the woods singing made-up songs:

We are singing!

So the bears

Do not freak out.

We are singing!

So the bears

Know we are here

As we round the corner for the overlook, the glow is already lighting up the ground to where we don’t need the headlamps, and…


I stop, put my gear down, and stand in awe of what I am seeing. A rolling sea of clouds, with islands - mountaintops - peeking through them. A crescent moon rising in the pre-dawn, stars visible high in the sky. It literally brings a quick tear to my eye - this is where I live. This is home. I am here, in this moment, and no one other than us will ever see exactly this moment ever again.

I hope folks have a great weekend, and you seize the moments given to you.

Halfway There - West Virginia